Our story

goticteam is a platform dedicated to all young talents in the freelancing field. It was conceived as an idea in 2019 and implemented in early 2022. The main goal was to help freelancers work more freely without restrictions. This idea was pursued for about a year and a half until we decided to stop working on this aspect and open up to supporting new projects and integrating with them intellectually to produce new innovative projects.

We have always strived and aspired to produce something new and unconventional that can provide a service and solve a problem that everyone faces in the current circumstances. Therefore, we are happy to collaborate with all those with new ideas to develop these ideas and make them accessible to everyone. Our team was one of the top 10 projects presented at Tanta University in 2023. Thus, we have always been and will continue to innovate and produce new solutions in collaboration with various companies in the tech market to offer something unprecedented.



A segment of our involvement in the latest edition of the Rally Startup Festival, held in Alexandria




سهلة مش

Easy,Not worth the hassle!

Our Story l قصتنا

goticteam is a platform dedicated to all young talents in the freelancing field. It was conceived as an idea in 2019 and implemented in early 2022. The main goal was to help freelancers work more freely without restrictions. This idea was pursued for about a year and a half until we decided to stop working on this aspect and open up to supporting new projects and integrating with them intellectually to produce new innovative projects.

We have always strived and aspired to produce something new and unconventional that can provide a service and solve a problem that everyone faces in the current circumstances. Therefore, we are happy to collaborate with all those with new ideas to develop these ideas and make them accessible to everyone. Our team was one of the top 10 projects presented at Tanta University in 2023. Thus, we have always been and will continue to innovate and produce new solutions in collaboration with various companies in the tech market to offer something unprecedented.


جوتيك تيم هي منصة مخصصة لجميع المواهب الشابة في مجال العمل الحر. تم تصورها كفكرة في عام 2019 وتم تنفيذها في أوائل عام 2022. الهدف الرئيسي كان مساعدة المستقلين على العمل بحرية أكبر دون قيود. استمرت هذه الفكرة لمدة عام ونصف حتى قررنا التوقف عن العمل على هذا الجانب والانفتاح لدعم المشاريع الجديدة والاندماج معها فكريًا لإنتاج مشاريع مبتكرة وجديدة.

لقد سعينا دائمًا وطموحنا كان أن نقدم شيئًا جديدًا وغير تقليدي يمكنه تقديم خدمة وحل مشكلة يواجهها الجميع في الظروف الحالية. لذلك، نحن سعداء بالتعاون مع جميع أصحاب الأفكار الجديدة لتطوير هذه الأفكار وجعلها متاحة للجميع. كان فريقنا واحدًا من أفضل 10 مشاريع تم تقديمها في جامعة طنطا في عام 2023. وبالتالي، كنا دائمًا وسنستمر في الابتكار وإنتاج حلول جديدة بالتعاون مع شركات مختلفة في سوق التكنولوجيا لتقديم شيء غير مسبوق.


Ranked among the top 10 startup projects at Tanta University for the year 2023

Our recent participations l مشاركاتنا الأخيرة

نهائيات رالي مصر تحدي الجامعات بمقر الأكاديمية البحرية بالأسكندرية




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